Happy Birthday, Furuya Usamura-sensei!

本日は原作者の古屋兎丸先生のお誕生日?✨現場のみんなでハッピーバースデーを歌いました\( ˆoˆ )/?

Today is the birthday of Furuya Usamaru-sensei, the original author 『Teiichi no Kuni』 ?✨ Everyone at the scene sang the Happy Birthday song \( ˆoˆ )/? The photo was taken when Sensei came to support us at the filming venue the other day. Sensei who was caught in between the play and movie version of Teiichi ☺️
#Teiichi no Kuni
#Suda Masaki
#Shison Jun
#Kimura Ryo

It was yesterday because I forgot to translate and post it =_=

Let us know your thoughts!