『Aa, Kouya』 tweets about an upcoming epic showdown

( ˘⊖˘) 。o(そういえば、去年の今頃『あゝ、荒野』はボクシングシーンを撮影していたのでした・・・ )
#あゝ荒野 #菅田将暉 #山田裕貴

( ˘⊖˘) 。o(Come to think of it, this boxing scene in 『Aa, Kouya』 was filmed around this time last year・・・ )
#Aa, Kouya #Suda Masaki #Yamada Yuki

My mind is still captured by part 1 (of 6). Looks like we will see a toned Suda Masaki grow into a muscular Shinji.

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