Ii Naomasa vs. Ono Masatsugu

なんと!#高橋一生 さんがスタジオに遊びにきてくれました!
スタジオにはちょうど、草履番で奮闘している万千代こと #菅田将暉 さんの姿が…!
#NHK #大河ドラマ #おんな城主直虎 #万千代と政次

For some reason! #Takahashi Issei-san came to visit us at the studio!
At the studio, Manchiyo who was struggling to make straw sandals and #Suda Masaki-san’s stance upon seeing him was somewhat…!
The two who faced each other, had a ardent hug ?✨
#NHK #Taiga drama #Onna Joushu Naotora #Machiyo and Masatsugu

And here is the same post at instagram.


Let us know your thoughts!