Official Tweets on 『Oboreru Knife』 Special Screening Held on 3 Nov 2016

And it was time to survey Komatsu-san and Suda-san ✨
They were given the ⭕ and ❌ signs to answer the questions raised by the MC ?❣️

Firstly! 「Was it difficult to film this movie??」
Komatsu-san: ⭕
Suda-san: ⭕


Both of them showed ⭕ so just how tough was it ❓

Komatsu-san 「I trained in a 5m pool many times just for the scene at the sea. “Please dive backwards”… (translator’s note: she was instructed by the director to do so)
Suda-san 「It was like a flying lariat technique in pro-wrestling! (laughs)」

Please pay attention to the sea scene which she practiced so thoroughly for ??


Let us know your thoughts!