Tweet Posted on 18 Dec 2016 9:59am

念願のジャンフェス!古屋兎丸大先生とトーク!お邪魔しました!毎週ジャンプを買い続けて10年。感無量でございます。勝利友情努力。ジャンプ精神に違わぬ作品にします。映画「帝一の國」宜しくお願いします。 #古屋兎丸 #Palepoli

The long-awaited Jump Fes! A talk session with Furuya Usamaru-daisensei! Thank you for having me! Have been buying Jump weekly for the past 10 years. I am filled with inexpressible emotions. Victory Friendship Perseverance. I will produce results that does not differ from Jump’s spirit. Please support the film 「Teiichi no Kuni」. #Furuya Usamaru #Palepoli

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