帝一の國クランクアップしました!大役を授かり最強の布陣で最後まで誰も怪我なく無事撮了した事。本当に感謝しています。キャストスタッフ、この映画に関わった皆様、参加して下さったエキストラの皆様、本当にお疲れ様でした!公開をお楽しみに。間違いなく面白いモノが撮れています #帝一の國
Filming for Teiichi no Kuni ended! It was a major role but with the support of the strongest team, I completed the filming without any problems. Really thank you very much. Cast and staff, everyone involved in this movie, everyone who participated as extras, really thank you for the hard work! Let’s look forward to the release. Interesting things were filmed without a doubt #Teiichi no Kuni