Tweet Posted on 8 Nov 2017 10:47pm

火花!完成披露試写会!(映画祭以外で)初めてお客さまに観てもらう日でした。男達の心の叫び、表現する上での葛藤、ダメな事をダメだと言ってくれる人、ただただゲラゲラと過ごした日々。お笑いという力がただ大好きな自分ですが一生懸命作りました。宜しくお願いします。 #火花 #11月23日公開

Hibana! Premiere! (Other than film festivals) It is the day that the audience can watch it for the first time. Cries from the men’s hearts, conflicting expressions, people saying no to things that are not possible, spending normal days in laughter. Did my very best in this production for these people whom I like a lot for giving me energy through their comedic lines. Please support it. #Hibana #23 Nov release

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