Otaku Suda vs. Otaku Yagira Yuya

おはようございます٩( ‘ω’ )و三連休の真ん中日曜日は『銀魂2』を!
#何回でも楽しめます #二人だけのオタクサミット #新八vsトッシー #アイドルvs二次元

Good morning ٩( ‘ω’ )و 『Gintama 2』 on a Sunday that is the middle of 3 consecutive holidays!
I’ve already watched it! So please (watch it) everyone, with audio commentary ?
#You can enjoy it no matter how many times #Otaku summit with only the two of them #Shinpachi vs Tosshi #Idol vs 2-dimensional personality

Let us know your thoughts!