Ishizaki Huwie – Period MV (featuring Suda Masaki)

If you are able to stream it, please help to increase the number of views by watching the [official music video]. It is only available for viewers in Japan. Otherwise, you know what to do =D Ishizaki Huwie also wrote the following songs on Suda’s PLAY album: Sayonara Elegy, Iindayo Kitto and Serifu.

Awww~ How can anyone resist a heartbroken Suda?

(password hint: the url of the homepage. change to the usual extension after unzipping.)

2 thoughts on “Ishizaki Huwie – Period MV (featuring Suda Masaki)

  1. Hello! Thank you for always posting updates about Suda Masaki. I’m wondering where can I find the download button on this post? Thank you very much again! I hope you will not get tired on posting updates. Anyway if there’s a way to help you in translation I’m very much willing to help. I’m in Japan and love Suda Masaki san as much as you do. Also, I want to meet you, the person behind this website and will love to talk anything about Sudacchi. 😀

    1. Thanks for the encouraging words! Unfortunately we aren’t based in Japan but visit Japan way too often =D

      Please click on the screenshot for the link.

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