DARS Day Event

Suda Masaki attended the DARS Day event held on 11 Dec 2017 as 12 Dec is Happy DARS Day. He talked about the challenges of filming the commercials where he portrayed 3 types of personality. He was then presented with a special chocolate bar which had a cube labelled as “Suda” instead of “Dasu” (DARS is pronounced as Da-su- in Japanese). He couldn’t wait for the event to end so that he could eat it.

The highlight of this event was none other than his 12 criteria for a girlfriend =D After watching the videos, criterion #3 was more of someone who isn’t resistant to changes while criterion #10 was someone who likes gold DARS.

By the way, DARS was launched in the year that Suda was born, i.e. 1993.

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