
The Blu-ray and DVD are released today so please support the sales if you can!

Decryption Key: !qzBqyawRXVbdNzVK13RiTAYJeO5OuHxZYiXvK8D6VCE
(password: his birthday + 「Nanimono」 DVD’s release date (format: yyyymmdd))

10 thoughts on “Nanimono

  1. Hi there,
    First off, thank you for following Suda Masaki the way you do. Unless you speak/read Japanese it’s very hard to be kept up to date with the latest news about Japanese actors, dramas and movies, so thank you! Regarding the password for downloading Nanimono (and other videos), I feel very foolish for asking you this, but I have tried every possible way (or at least, it feels that way) of breaking the password code but seem to fail every single time.

    You said the password for extracting Nanimono is: Suda-san’s birthday + the DVD release date. I have tried the following passwords:

    19930221 + 20170517 [before and after the plus sign there are spaces, but I have also tried it without, no luck]
    The same as above but without the zero of the months, no luck
    The same as above but without the spaces and plus sign, no luck
    Then I thought that the plus sign actually meant to add both numbers, which I did in a number of ways:
    19930221 + 20170517 = 40100738 [and I tried also without the zeros of the months]
    1993 + 2017 = 4010 and 02 + 05 = 07 and 21 + 17 = 38, so that the password would become: 40100738

    I have tried some other ways as well, still no luck and it’s driving me insane. What am I not seeing? Could you help me please? You have such a wealth of videos i would really like to watch, if only I could decrypt the passwords (BTW: the URL of the homepage? Shouldn’t that be: I tried that as well, but guess what…invalid password 🙁 .)

    I truly hope you can help me out. I would appreciate it! 🙂

    Best wishes,
    Vivian (from the Netherlands)

    1. You are welcome =)

      The method of adding both numbers is correct. I’ve tried again (including some of the previous ones) and they worked. Did you manage to get a complete file, or perhaps something is blocking it from being unzipped?

      You can drop the application protocol for the other password.

      Hope the above helps!

  2. Wow, thank you for your quick response. So, I’ve tried again, using the correct password this time but it still won’t extract the file. I did manage to download the complete MEGA zip file…I guess that means it’s the software I’m using (which is Express Zip File Compression Software btw). Can I ask which software you use to unpack the files?

    Thanks again,

    1. It’s 7zip. Do you only face issues with this file? If it still doesn’t work, I’ll try re-uploading this file again =)

      1. So, I may be on to something…yesterday I tried to download one of the videos that required the URL password and lo and behold it worked! Which means it’s not my software that’s the problem…so back to the passwords that require the adding of dates…I don’t know what’s going on there. Could you maybe please give me the correct password to unzip Nanimono, just this once? And I see if it works this time around. I’m sorry I keep pestering you like this, you’ve been very patient and helpful so far, thank you, It’s much appreciated!

        1. One of the methods mentioned in your earlier comment leads to the correct password, e.g. 11111111 + 22222222 so the password is 33333333. I’ve tried downloading and unzipping the current file and it works so please try again =)

  3. So the latest and final update is that I (and my calculator) can count after all (I was beginning to have serious doubts 😉 ). It seems the problem lies entirely with my unzip software which is inconsistent in unpacking the videos on your site. Using 7-zip, I have now no problem unzipping the files. Thank you for all your help!

  4. is there any way that you have the songs that suda sang in this movie? lately i kinda like his voice so much but i know him only fairly recently (from that one song he sang with yonezu kenshi and so hearing yone-san’s voice as the ending song kinda gave me fuzzy feeling inside ^^) so i don’t know how to get his past songs (i.e. songs from movies he played)…

    1. His official releases are listed [here]. We have shared most of them (erm, we will get to the recent ones soon) on this website so do use the tags to your advantage =)

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